Ben Shapiro speeds up his videos

Why does Ben Shapiro speed up his videos?

My guess would be that it is a manipulation tactic designed to make people believe he’s smarter than he is. I’m not going to say he’s smart, but he’s not dumb either. He’s managed to gain a reputation as great debater, while he’s really only managed to beat college students. Considering most of his audience most likely has not graduated college, that must seem quite incredible.

NFT Price Manipulation?

What’s stopping someone from transferring an NFT between two accounts increasing it’s value?

As long as the NFT doesn’t have a royalty, you’re just paying gas fees. Of course if you’re the artist, the royalty still goes to you and only shows an increase in value.

This can give the impression of increased value of the NFT.

Crypto Art NFT, please explain!

What makes this different from a registered serial number?

How is it ownership if you can’t remove it from the blockchain?

How is it ownership if there’s royalties on resale?

What about giving the item away? Like if I had a painting, I could just give it to someone.

What about anonymous sales?

Do you basically just own a piece of blockchain?

The whole thing seems like a scam.


It’s time for a constitutional amendment guaranteeing the right of every US citizen the RIGHT to vote.

Republicans will fight this. As they will never want every citizen voting as they spend outrageous amounts of time, money, and energy trying to take away the ability to vote.

Imagine the United States of America not having the ability to block a citizen from voting, imagine everyone having a guaranteed right to have their vote counted.

Kind of sounds too American doesn’t it? Why can’t republicans support this? WHY???

Futures Trading Room Warning Signs

I have yet to find a successful futures trading room. PROVE ME WRONG!

Here’s the warning signs that I’ve learned over the last year.

  1. They don’t share their screen.
  2. They don’t post a daily performance report.
  3. They don’t offer a free trial.
  4. They’re really trying to sell you something else.
  5. They tell you you’re not successful in the trading room because you haven’t taken their paid training.
  6. When you ask for help, See #5
  7. They’re not trading themselves.

This list will be updated as I search for a successful futures trading room.

Zoom Audio SUCKS

I have no idea how they make it so bad, but trying to stream music on ZOOM is the absolute worst. Constant glitches, drop outs, and random speedups. And this is with a fast internet connection and a paid account.